
Pink Fun

2020年發行首張專輯《粉紅炸彈》中〈LOVE 超能力〉於YouTube締造百萬點擊,2021年推出虛擬EP《FOREVER PINK FUN》,預購開賣一小時攻佔各大唱片排行榜冠軍,2022年發行EP《可以呀Kya》,並舉辦粉絲見面會

Debuted from the survival program 《Dancing Diamond 52》, PINK FUN consists of Anna(容容), Una(心平), Phoebe(朵莉), Joan(聖恩), Nicole, Erin(巧瑜), Aurora(珮含), and Cindy(以芯). 

PINK FUN debuted in 2020 and released their first album 《BOMBERS》. The title song〈LOVE 超能力〉received over one million views. In 2021, they released their first virtual EP 《FOREVER PINK FUN》. During the pre-order, PINK FUN occupied first place in several record store charts within an hour. In 2022, they released a new EP 《Kya》and held a fan meeting at CORNER MAX.