
Bruce Springsteen / Live in New York City (3LP)
布魯斯史普林斯汀 / 紐約現場實況 (3LP黑膠)
Bruce Springsteen / Live in New York City (3LP)
2020年 03月 17日
産品編號: 19075978951
★ 20座葛萊美獎加冕、入籍搖滾+詞曲創作名人殿堂之工人皇帝,2001年現場實況LIVE專輯,2020年全新進口三黑膠版本

★ 收錄工人皇帝Bruce Springsteen於1999-2000年間「Reunion Tour」中之現場實況錄音,演唱包括”Born In the U.S.A.” “Born to Run”, “The River”, “Badlands”等經典名曲

走過樂壇半個世紀輝煌的工人皇帝Bruce Springsteen,自在駕馭傳統搖滾、藍調、鄉村、民謠等風格,同時於強勢的表態中,替市井小民們唱出內心的不滿。總累積20座葛萊美+2座金球+1座奧斯卡+1座東尼+1全英音樂獎加冕,1999年同時入籍搖滾+詞曲創作名人殿堂終身會員、滾石雜誌「史上百大最佳藝人」、時代雜誌「百大極具影響力人士」名單!全球1億3500萬的爆量銷售,締造15張擠進全美前5強之林的專輯
  • Side A
    1. My Love Will Not Let You Down (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    2. Prove It All Night (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    3. Two Hearts (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000) / Two Hearts (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000) / It Takes Two (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    4. Atlantic City (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
  • Side B
    1. Mansion On the Hill (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    2. The River (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    3. Youngstown (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
  • Side C
    1. Murder Incorporated (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    2. Badlands (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    3. Out In the Street (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    4. Born to Run (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
  • Side D
    1. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000) / Take Me to the River / It's All Right / Rumble Doll
    2. Land of Hope and Dreams (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
  • Side E
    1. American Skin (41 Shots) (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    2. Lost In the Flood (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    3. Born In the U.S.A. (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    4. Don't Look Back (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
  • Side F
    1. Jungleland (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    2. Ramrod (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)
    3. If I Should Fall Behind (Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - June/July 2000)