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蒂朵全新專輯《Girl Who Got Away》全球3月4日正式發行

蒂朵全新專輯《Girl Who Got Away》全球3月4日正式發行

首支單曲〈No Freedom〉2月24日搶先上市
英國最暢銷女歌手之一 – 蒂朵〈Dido〉,即將回歸樂壇,發行全新矚目大碟。
全球歌迷引頸期盼的蒂朵第四張全新專輯《Girl Who Got Away》定於全球3月4日正式發行,首支單曲〈No Freedom〉將搶先專輯發行前,於2月24日上市,預料歌迷將再次感受到她難以抗拒的迷人魅力。新專輯與〈No Freedom〉數位EP已經在全球iTunes進行預購。 
此回找回長期合作的製作人哥哥Rollo Armstrong,並擔綱全輯多數作品製作大任,同時蒂朵也和Brian Eno、Jeff Bhasker、Rick Nowels及Greg Kurstin 等人合作,交出全新11首充滿靈氣的電子流行佳作。
提前曝光的作品〈Let Us Move On〉請來美國西岸嘻哈小天王Kendrick Lamar合作,首支正式官方單曲〈No Freedom〉將於2月24日發行。
全新專輯《Girl Who Got Away》的製作核心概念極具遠見,從充滿愉悅感動的〈Go Dreaming〉到諷刺意味濃厚的〈End of Night〉、蒂朵動人詮釋的愛情小品〈Sitting On The Roof Of The World〉及呼應專輯名稱的低迷單曲〈Blackbird〉,蒂朵說:「這是專輯中我最喜歡的單曲,同時也總合了我近年來的心路歷程,譜製專輯的過程是人生中最快樂的經驗,展開全新的家庭生活和製作新專輯都讓我感到無比驕傲,現在等不及讓所以歌迷聽到我的心血了。」
蒂朵的首張專輯《無天使 No Angel》及第二張專輯《漂泊的心 Life For Rent》不僅獲得樂評好評,一同名列英國史上最暢銷專輯之林,第三張專輯《我心歸處 Safe Trip Home》持續讓蒂朵全球專輯銷量突破2900萬張。2013年她即將帶著全新作品回歸流行樂壇。
溫暖且觸及人心的深情佳作《Girl Who Got Away》將為蒂朵締造生涯全新高峰,2013年就是她的回歸之年。
〈No Freedom〉歌詞版MV
《Girl Who Got Away》iTunes預購
〈No Freedom〉EP iTunes預購
專輯《Girl Who Got Away》完整曲目:
1. ‘No Freedom’
Written by Dido Armstrong and Rick Nowel
Produced by Rollo, Dido and Rick Nowels
2. ‘Girl Who Got Away’
Written by Dido Armstrong and Rollo Armstrong
Produced by Dido and Rollo
3. ‘Let Us Move On’ feat. Kendrick Lamar   
Written by Dido Armstrong, Rollo Armstrong, Jeff Bhasker, Kendrick Lamar and Pat Reynolds. Produced by Rollo and Dido.
4. ‘Blackbird’
Written by Dido Armstrong and Rollo Armstrong
Produced by Rollo and Dido
5. ‘End of Night’
Written by Dido Armstrong and Greg Kurstin
Produced by Greg Kurstin
6. ‘Sitting On The Roof Of The World’
Written by Dido Armstrong, Rick Nowels and Rollo Armstrong
Produced by Rollo and Dido
7. ‘Love To Blame’
Written by Dido Armstrong, Rollo Armstrong, John Harrison and Vera Bohl Produced by Rollo and Dido and P*Nut 
8. ‘Go Dreaming’ 
Written by Dido Armstrong, Rollo Armstrong and Rick Nowels
Produced by Rollo and Dido
9. ‘Happy New Year’
Written by Dido Armstrong, Greg Kurstin and Rollo Armstrong
Produced by Greg Kurstin 
10. ‘Loveless Hearts’ 
Written by Dido Armstrong and Rollo Armstrong
Produced by Rollo and Dido
11. ‘Day Before We Went To War’
Written by Dido Armstrong, Rollo Armstrong and Brian Eno
Produced by Rollo and Dido