2003年 12月 09日
産品編號: E2K90713
雙CD32首佳作,完整紀錄出Steve Vai精采的音樂表現! 總匯出32首佳作,以雙CD的方式完整紀錄出Steve Vai精采的音樂表現,不論你是新或舊樂迷,都是值得再三玩味的收藏實錄!從出道曲Salamanders In The Sun"、""The Attitude Song"";90年代「Passion And Warfare」的動人之作""Liberty""、""The Animal"",相當具有情感宣洩的""Blue Powder""、""For The Love Of God"";散發民族色彩的""Bangkok"";流竄充沛搖滾能量的""Bad Horsie"";加入他的寶貝心肝Julian聲音演出的趣致單曲""Ya-Yo Gakk"";千變萬化的樂音取樣導入多元的曲式編排,在長達近10分鐘的""Fire Garden Suite""中有著痛快表現!還超值收錄替Whitesnake彈奏之正點80年代Hard Rock珍貴單曲""Kittens Got Claws"",皆一併完整收錄其中!"""
Disc 2
- Feathers
- Frank
- Boston Rain Melody
- Kittens Got Claws
- Lighter Shade Of Green
- Giant Balls of Gold
- Whispering a Prayer
- Jibboom
- Windows To The Soul
- Brandos Costumes (Gentle Ways)
- The Reaper
- Christmas Time Is Here
- Essence
- Rescue Me Or Bury Me
- Burnin' Down The M
Disc 1
- Liberty
- Die To Live
- The Attitude Song
- Salamanders In The Sun
- The Animal
- The Riddle
- For The Love Of God
- Bangkok
- Fire Garden Suite
- Pusa Road
- Angel Food
- Taurus Bulba
- Bull Whip
- Ya-Yo Gakk
- Blue Powder
- Bad Horsie
- Tender Surrender
- All About Eve
- Dyin' Day
- The Blo