
2014年 11月 11日
産品編號: 88875018382
◎包括:”If Tomorrow Never Comes”、”The Dance”、”Friends In Low Places”、與Trisha Yearwood深情對唱”In Another's Eyes”等動人經典
成功將鄉村樂派突破音樂籓籬推進流行領域,不僅堅持傳統聲韻,甚至加寬格局譜入多元新鮮素材,Garth Brooks驚人締造全球超過1億9千萬張銷售紀錄,風光成為「鄉村音樂名人殿堂」終身會員,榮獲18座ACM+11座CMA鄉村音樂獎+24座告示牌+2座葛萊美等大獎加冕。來自美國俄克拉荷馬州的Garth,求學階段專注於體育運動方面,往標槍手的夢想邁進,以優異成績獲得州立大學獎學金補助。對音樂熱愛日益加深的Garth,亦然決然的放棄運動事業,開始在當地俱樂部演唱,不僅秀出歌唱才華,更是位傑出吉他、薩克斯風與鋼琴樂手,自此也宣告一位傳奇藝人的誕生!
  這張超值精選特輯,完整收藏Garth所有經典曲目,於2007年空降美國鄉村榜冠軍+流行榜季軍,一個月時間立即衝破百萬銷售門檻,美國獲頒7白金認證。從1989年第一支進榜Top8的〈Much Too Young(To Feel This Damn Old)〉,一連串豐功偉業就此展開;同年闖出生涯第一首鄉村榜冠軍曲〈If Tomorrow Never Comes〉,入選美國音樂獎「最受歡迎鄉村單曲」,偶像歌手Ronan Keating曾在2002年翻唱至英國金榜冠軍;美國鄉村音樂節目CMT票選「百大經典鄉村歌曲」第14名的〈The Dance〉,同為征服英國金榜的重點小品;拿下1990的ACM音樂獎「年度歌曲」並蟬連鄉村榜四週冠軍之歡樂大作〈Friends In Low Places〉;與嬌妻Trisha Yearwood深情對唱〈In Another's Eyes〉,齊力拱入鄉村榜亞軍位置;重新演繹民謠之父Bob Dylan動人樂章〈To Make You Feel My Love〉,選為浪漫愛情片「真愛告白Hope Floats」主題配樂;協同老牌鄉村歌王George Jones合唱〈Beer Run〉;〈Good Ride Cowboy〉則是Garth向已故的鄉村界傳奇人物Chris LeDoux致敬之歌;刷下鄉村榜首週奪下冠軍的空前紀錄〈More Than A Memory〉;與搖滾悍將Huey Lewis合唱快節奏的〈Working For A Living〉…共34曲。內附完整歌詞以及多幅全彩照片,加上滿載33首音樂錄影帶DVD,毫無遺漏回顧這位巨星的迷人風采!

Disc 3 (DVD)
01.Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)
02.If Tomorrow Never Comes
03.The Dance
04.Friends In Low Places
05.Unanswered Prayers
06.Two Of A Kind, Workin' On A Full House
07.The Thunder Rolls
10.Papa Loved Mama
11.What She's Doing Now
12.The River
13.We Shall Be Free
14.Learning To Live Again
15.That Summer
16.Standing Outside The Fire
17.Ain't Goin' Down ('Til The Sun Comes Up)
18.Callin' Baton Rouge
19.American Honky-Tonk Bar Association
20.The Fever
21.To Make You Feel My Love
22.The Beaches of Cheyenne
23.The Change
24.Two Piña Coladas
25.Longneck Bottle (w/ Steve Wariner)
26.In Another's Eyes (w/ Trisha Yearwood)
27.Wrapped Up In You
28.Beer Run
29.When You Come Back to Me Again
30.Good Ride Cowboy
31.More Than A Memory
32.Workin' For A Livin' (w/ Huey Lewis)
33.Midnight Sun

  • CD2
    1. Callin' Baton Rouge
    2. Two Pina Coladas
    3. The Thunder Rolls
    4. That Summer
    5. The River
    6. Beer Run - (featuring George Jones)
    7. Unanswered Prayers
    8. Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)
    9. Workin' For A Livin' - (featuring Huey Lewis)
    10. What She's Doing Now
    11. When You Come Bac
  • CD1《內無附原文歌詞》
    1. Ain't Going Down ('Til The Sun Comes Up)
    2. Friends In Low Places
    3. Shameless
    4. Two Of A Kind, Workin' On A Full House
    5. The Beaches Of Cheyenne
    6. If Tomorrow Never Comes
    7. Papa Loved Mama
    8. More Than A Memory
    9. Good Ride Cowboy
    10. In Another's Eyes - (featuring Trisha Yea
  • Disc 3 (DVD)
    1. Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)
    2. If Tomorrow Never Comes
    3. The Dance
    4. Friends In Low Places
    5. Unanswered Prayers
    6. Two Of A Kind, Workin' On A Full House
    7. The Thunder Rolls
    8. Rodeo
    9. Shameless
    10. Papa Loved Mama
    11. What She's Doing Now
    12. The River
    13. We Shall Be Free
    14. Lear