
YES / The Quest (Ltd. Deluxe 2CD+Blu-Ray Artbook)
YES合唱團 / The Quest (限量豪華2CD+藍光書本版)
YES / The Quest (Ltd. Deluxe 2CD+Blu-Ray Artbook)
2022年 04月 22日
産品編號: 19439878822
◎ 英倫前衛搖滾天團成軍53年,睽違7年發行的第22張錄音室專輯
◎ 寫下英國搖滾與重金屬搖滾榜冠軍佳績,獲得Spill (8/10)、Uncut (7/10),以及Classic Rock (3/5) 等傳媒高分肯定
◎ 團員Billy Sherwood接班已逝成員Chris Squire擔任貝斯手的首張專輯,特邀英國音樂人Paul K. Joyce指揮FAMES Orchestra錄製弦樂部分,替專輯增添磅礡響樂
◎ 書本版設計、藍光特別收錄專輯8首歌5.1環繞混音處理,與高音質伴唱配樂


  • CD 1
    1. The Ice Bridge
    2. Dare To Know
    3. Minus The Man
    4. Leave Well Alone
    5. The Western Edge
    6. Future Memories
    7. Music To My Ears
    8. A Living Island
  • CD 2
    1. Sister Sleeping Soul
    2. Mystery Tour
    3. Damaged World
    1. The Ice Bridge (5.1 Surround Sound Mix)
    2. Dare To Know (5.1 Surround Sound Mix)
    3. Minus The Man (5.1 Surround Sound Mix)
    4. Leave Well Alone (5.1 Surround Sound Mix)
    5. The Western Edge (5.1 Surround Sound Mix)
    6. Future Memories (5.1 Surround Sound Mix)
    7. Music To My Ears (5.1 Surround Sound Mix)
    8. A Living Island (5.1 Surround Sound Mix)
    9. Sister Sleeping Soul (5.1 Surround Sound Mix)
    10. Mystery Tour (5.1 Surround Sound Mix)
    11. Damaged World (5.1 Surround Sound Mix)
    12. The Ice Bridge (Instrumental)
    13. Dare To Know (Instrumental)
    14. Minus The Man (Instrumental)
    15. Leave Well Alone (Instrumental)
    16. The Western Edge (Instrumental)
    17. Future Memories (Instrumental)
    18. Music To My Ears (Instrumental)
    19. A Living Island (Instrumental)
    20. Sister Sleeping Soul (Instrumental)
    21. Mystery Tour (Instrumental)
    22. Damaged World (Instrumental)