★ 定義90世代英國搖滾之唯一救世主,1996年轟動樂壇之傳奇演唱會LIVE紀錄片現場專輯,2021全新進口雙CD版本
★ 雙CD版完整收錄Oasis Knebworth 1996年8/10 & 8/11兩晚演出LIVE演出完整音軌
★ 包括” Don’t Look Back in Anger”, “Live Forever “,“Supersonic”,” Wonderwall”, “Some Might Say”等英搖神曲國歌LIVE現場完全收錄,英搖時代最輝煌的完全記錄,搖滾迷絕對不能錯過!
本紀錄片由索尼音樂與Big Brother Recordings 合作,Noel Gallagher和Liam Gallagher兄弟親自擔任監製,找來葛萊美獎得主、 曾與U2、The Verve、The Rolling Stones等天團合作,也曾於1995年拍攝Oaiss “Morning Glory”一曲MV之名導演Jake Scott執導,重溫1996年盛夏在英國Knebworth的連續兩天、超過25萬歌迷朝聖,門票於24小時內狂銷一空,打破英國演唱會票房紀錄,估算約有全英人口2%爭相朝聖的搖滾樂傳說盛事。
- Columbia (Live at Knebworth, 10 August '96)
- Acquiesce (Live at Knebworth, 10 August '96)
- Supersonic (Live at Knebworth, 10 August '96)
- Hello (Live at Knebworth, 11 August '96)
- Some Might Say (Live at Knebworth, 11 August '96)
- Roll with It (Live at Knebworth, 11 August '96)
- Slide Away (Live at Knebworth, 11 August '96)
- Morning Glory (Live at Knebworth, 11 August '96)
- Round Are Way (Live at Knebworth, 10 August '96)
- Cigarettes & Alcohol (Live at Knebworth, 10 August '96)
- Whatever (Live at Knebworth, 10 August '96)
- Cast No Shadow (Live at Knebworth, 10 August '96)
- Wonderwall (Live at Knebworth, 10 August '96)
- The Masterplan (Live at Knebworth, 10 August '96)
- Don't Look Back in Anger (Live at Knebworth, 11 August '96)
- My Big Mouth (Live at Knebworth, 10 August '96)
- It's Gettin' Better (Man!!) (Live at Knebworth, 11 August '96)
- Live Forever (Live at Knebworth, 10 August '96)
- Champagne Supernova (Live at Knebworth, 11 August '96)
- I Am the Walrus (Live at Knebworth, 11 August '96)