
Lennon Stella / Three. Two. One. (Vinyl)
藍儂史黛拉 / 倒數計時 (LP黑膠唱片)
Lennon Stella / Three. Two. One. (Vinyl)
年 月 日
産品編號: 19439750701
◎ 受到流行、獨立、電舞、影視各界歡迎加拿大唱作才女首張專輯
◎ 一次招攬包括愛黛兒、泰勒絲、贊恩、混合甜心等A咖幕後團隊齊力抬轎
◎ 收錄全球狂破三千萬數位串流主打〈Kissing Other People〉、與深情暖男JP Saxe對唱〈Golf On TV〉、電子氣流包覆洗腦歌〈Fear Of Being Lonely〉、真情流露唱出成長代價〈Older Than I Am〉、和妹妹Maisy Stella合作的〈Weakness (Huey Lewis)〉等13首風格多元耐聽單曲
  • Side A
    1. Much Too Much
    2. Kissing Other People
    3. Games
    4. Fear of Being Alone
    5. Pretty Boy
    6. Golf on TV
    7. Older Than I Am
  • Side B
    1. Bend Over Backwards
    2. Jealous
    3. Since I Was a Kid
    4. Weakness (Huey Lewis)
    5. Save Us
    6. Goodnight