
Jack White / Boarding House Reach (Vinyl)
傑克懷特 / 是非交錯 (LP黑膠唱片)
Jack White / Boarding House Reach (Vinyl)
2018年 04月 20日
産品編號: 19075818941

    ◎ 前搖滾革命勢力The White Stripes鬼才再次引爆大膽實驗風格推出全新專輯
◎ 除了保留一貫藍調因子,更重組噪音、迷幻、電子等元素,拼貼生動且千變萬化多樣風貌
◎ 首波主打〈Connected By Love〉經歷一趟高潮起伏精彩音樂之旅,搶下美國另類搖滾榜TOP18席次

    1. Connected by Love
    2. Why Walk a Dog?
    3. Corporation
    4. Abulia and Akrasia
    5. Hypermisophoniac
    6. Ice Station Zebra
    7. Over and Over and Over
    8. Everything You've Ever Learned
    9. Respect Commander
    10. Ezmerelda Steals the Show
    11. Get in the Mind Shaft
    12. What's Done Is Done
    13. Humoresque