
Bob Dylan / The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan (2018 Vinyl)
巴布狄倫 / 自由自在的巴布狄倫 (2018 黑膠)
Bob Dylan / The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan (Vinyl)
2018年 04月 13日
産品編號: 88985455281

★ 12座葛萊美獎、全球1億2500萬張專輯銷售、諾貝爾文學獎至高榮譽民謠先驅,1963年第二張錄音室專輯,2018年全新進口180g黑膠
★ 名列滾石雜誌史上500大最偉大專輯之列,收錄1960年代反戰思潮之代表名曲"Blowin' in the Wind",以及狄倫民謠時期的不朽名曲,包括"Girl from the North Country", "Masters of War", "A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall", "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right"
★ 2002被美國國會圖書館之國家錄音登記部列入保護名單的前50錄音傑作之一

  • Side A
    1. Blowin' in the Wind (mono version)
    2. Girl from the North Country (mono version)
    3. Masters of War (mono version)
    4. Down the Highway (mono version)
    5. Bob Dylan's Blues (mono version)
    6. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (mono version)
  • Side B
    1. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (mono version)
    2. Bob Dylan's Dream (mono version)
    3. Oxford Town (mono version)
    4. Talkin' World War III Blues (mono version)
    5. Corrina, Corrina (mono version)
    6. Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance (mono version)
    7. I Shall Be Free (mono version)