
Bob Dylan / 1970 (3CD)
巴布狄倫 / 1970珍稀錄音選集 (3CD)
Bob Dylan / 1970 (3CD)
2021年 03月 12日
産品編號: 19439856412

★ 榮膺諾貝爾文學獎、12座葛萊美獎、全球1億2500萬張專輯銷售音樂傳奇,1970年錄音室珍稀音軌作品輯,進口3CD版
★ 收錄1970年間,錄製”Self Portrait”與”New Morning”兩張專輯間,於錄音室與披頭四成員George Harrison合作之outtake音軌作品
★ 收錄歌曲包括Dylan自己作品的"One Too Many Mornings," "Gates of Eden," "Mama, You Been On My Mind",以及翻唱如Everly Brothers的作品 "All I Have to Do Is Dream," Carl Perkins' "Matchbox"等傑出歌曲

藉由文字寫下一篇篇可歌可泣的歷史故事,透過音符傳遞一首首永垂不朽的經典樂章,被視為美國20世紀最有影響力的歌手、60年代民權運動的代言人,民謠樂派的先鋒使者Bob Dylan,入選滾石雜誌「史上經典藝人」第二順位,入籍搖滾名人殿堂、納許維爾創作名人殿堂、詞曲創作人殿堂,囊括終身成就在內的12座葛萊美獎加冕,獲頒2008普立茲特別榮譽獎,更在2016年獲得諾貝爾文學獎的至高榮譽,在當時亦廣獲熱議。諾貝爾委員讚許他在美國傳統的歌曲中,開創出新的詩意表達形式。走過歌壇半個世紀,擁有《Blowin` In The Wind》及《Mr. Tambourine Man》等多首永垂不朽的經典名曲,跨越多個世代,在哲學性的詩歌中,吸納美國傳統民謠、搖滾、鄉村、藍調、爵士和搖擺樂元素,不只動聽,更在音樂及文化上展現深厚影響力
  • CD 1
    1. I Can't Help but Wonder Where I'm Bound (March 3, 1970)
    2. Universal Soldier (Take 1 - March 3, 1970)
    3. Spanish Is the Loving Tongue (Take 1 - March 3, 1970)
    4. Went to See the Gypsy (Take 2 - March 3, 1970)
    5. Went to See the Gypsy (Take 3 - March 3, 1970)
    6. Woogie Boogie (March 3, 1970)
    7. Went to See the Gypsy (Take 4 - March 4, 1970)
    8. Thirsty Boots (Take 1 - March 4, 1970)
    9. Little Moses (Take 1 - March 5, 1970)
    10. Alberta (Take 2 - March 5, 1970)
    11. Come All You Fair and Tender Ladies (Take 1)
    12. Things About Comin' My Way (Takes 2 & 3)
    13. Went to See the Gypsy (Take 6)
    14. Untitled 1970 Instrumental #1 (March 5, 1970)
    15. Come a Little Bit Closer (Take 2 - March 5, 1970)
    16. Alberta (Take 5 - March 5, 1970)
    17. Sign on the Window (Take 2 - May 1, 1970)
    18. Sign on the Window (Takes 3, 4 & 5 - May 1, 1970)
    19. If Not for You (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    20. Time Passes Slowly (Rehearsal - May 1, 1970)
    21. If Not for You (Take 2 - May 1, 1970)
    22. If Not for You (Take 3 - May 1, 1970)
    23. Song to Woody (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    24. Mama, You Been on My Mind (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    25. Yesterday (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
  • CD 2
    1. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    2. I Met Him on a Sunday (Ronde-Ronde) (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    3. One Too Many Mornings (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    4. Ghost Riders in the Sky (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    5. Cupid (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    6. All I Have to Do Is Dream (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    7. Gates of Eden (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    8. I Threw It All Away (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    9. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    10. Matchbox (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    11. Your True Love (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    12. Telephone Wire (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    13. Fishing Blues (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    14. Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    15. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
    16. It Ain't Me Babe (May 1, 1970)
    17. If Not for You (May 1, 1970)
    18. Sign on the Window (Take 1, Remake - May 1, 1970)
    19. Sign on the Window (Take 2, Remake - May 1, 1970)
    20. Sign on the Window (Take 3, Remake - May 1, 1970)
    21. Alligator Man (June 1, 1970)
    22. Alligator Man [rock version] (June 1, 1970)
    23. Alligator Man [country version] (June 1, 1970)
    24. Sarah Jane 1 (June 1, 1970)
    25. Sign on the Window (June 1, 1970)
    26. Sarah Jane 2 (June 1, 1970)
  • CD 3
    1. If Not for You (Take 1 - June 2, 1970)
    2. If Not for You (Take 2 - June 2, 1970)
    3. Jamaica Farewell (June 3, 1970)
    4. Can't Help Falling in Love (June 3, 1970)
    5. Long Black Veil (June 3, 1970)
    6. One More Weekend (June 3, 1970)
    7. Bring Me Little Water, Sylvie (Take 1 - June 4, 1970)
    8. Three Angels (June 4, 1970)
    9. Tomorrow Is a Long Time (Take 1 - June 4, 1970)
    10. Tomorrow Is a Long Time (Take 2 - June 4, 1970)
    11. New Morning (June 4, 1970)
    12. Untitled 1970 Instrumental #2 (June 4, 1970)
    13. Went to See the Gypsy (June 5, 1970)
    14. Sign on the Window (Stereo Mix - June 5, 1970)
    15. Winterlude (June 5, 1970)
    16. I Forgot to Remember to Forget 1 (June 5, 1970)
    17. I Forgot to Remember to Forget 2 (June 5, 1970)
    18. Lily of the West (Take 2 - June 5, 1970)
    19. Father of Night (Rehearsal - June 5, 1970)
    20. Lily of the West (June 5, 1970)
    21. If Not for You (Take 1 - August 12, 1970)
    22. If Not for You (Take 2 - August 12, 1970)
    23. Day of the Locusts (Take 2 - June 1, 1970)