
阿爾瑪多伊徹/灰姑娘 (BD)
Alma Deutscher/Cinderella
2018年 12月 04日
産品編號: 19075895059

格羅薇Jane Glover (指揮)
聖荷西歌劇院管弦樂團、合唱團和舞者Opera San José Orchestra, Chorus and Dancers

 英國天才兒童阿爾瑪・多伊徹,8歲時完成此作品。
 劇情改編自著名的同名童話。
 有別於其他天才兒童,她完成了一部需要掌控全局的歌劇。
 DVD與Blu-Ray藍光同步發行。

由英國天才兒童阿爾瑪‧多伊徹(Alma Deutscher)所作的新版《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)歌劇。以她自己的方式,重新講述這個家喻戶曉的經典故事。由於作品廣受好評,英國各媒體爭相報導,因而有機會錄製成影片,並發行DVD與Blu-Ray藍光專輯。英國衛報寫道:「阿爾瑪重述『灰姑娘』的故事,十分受到好評。許多人稱許她是現代的莫札特」。而金融時報則表示:「令人驚嘆於她從小孩變成神童的轉變」。

2005年出生的阿爾瑪‧多伊徹,具有非比尋常的音樂才華和想像力。她的父親蓋伊(Guy Deutscher)表示,在學會說話之前她就已經能唱了。8歲完成這部《灰姑娘》,剛滿10歲,就創作了幾首鋼琴小提琴奏鳴曲、幾首弦樂四重奏。除外,她還能出色地演奏鋼琴和小提琴。




1. Overture
Act I
2. Note After Note
3. Up in the Sky
4. I Dreamed Someone Sent Me a Huge Bouquet
5. Darling little Cinderella
6. You Called for Me
7. My Son, I Love You
8. Your Royal Highness is Right
9. In my Hands
10. Can I Help You, Dear Lady?
11. Who is It?
12. It's Such an Incredible Chance
13. Aspirin in Suspension
14. Down by the Brook, I Wander
15. Zibaldona at Least Managed to Come Up with a Melody
16. I Must Get Rid of Her!
Act II
17. I am Pretty and so Witty
18. When the Day Falls into Darkness
19. Darkness is Falling
20. I've Come to Bring Back the Shoes
21. High Over the Darkness there Shines a Star
22. The Prince is Seeking a Bride
23. If I'm not Mistaken
24. And Now, it is our Great Pleasure
25. My Song - how Could they Steal It?
26. Down by the Brook, I Wander
27. This can't Be
Act IV
28. But Why?
29. I Said your Dress was too Tight
30. How Curious, that Girl at the Ball...
31. She Went out into The...
32. Once I Met a Girl - High over the Darkness
33. If Only I Could Convince - Who is it?
34. Now the Voices Draw so Near
35. Organ Voluntary
36. There is a Land of Ancient Tales
37. Applause / Credits
38. Bonus : Cinderella Backstage

BD 規格:BD50‧1080/59,94i
音效:Stereo PCM‧DTS-HD Master Audio Surround Sound