
2004年 08月 10日
産品編號: SB2K63001
【古典花園】首批39個titles經典絕世名盤再現、超值低價位-英國全新封面設計、歐洲進口-全系列中文側條-帶您進入古典音樂的永恆花園◎造福廣大樂迷!絕跡已久的傳奇絕世名盤再現!◎二十世紀最重量級巨星演繹!讓名曲瞬間還魂!◎歐洲原裝進口,全系列英國名家設計花朵繽紛新包裝!古典花園(2)讓國王為之肅然起敬的莊嚴樂曲專輯名稱---韓德爾:彌賽亞[全曲]藝人---馬果爾/指揮Jennifer Smith, Charles Brett, Martyn Hill, Ulrik Cold, Choir of Worcester Cathedral, La Grande Ecurie et La Chambre du Roy, Jean-Claude Malgoire
  • Disc 2
    1. Chorus: We like sheep have gone astray
    2. Accompagnato: He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land
    3. Recitative: Unto Which Of The Angels
    4. Recitative: He That Dwelleth In Heaven
    5. Messiah: Part Two (Continued)
    6. Air: Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage
    7. Accompagnato: Thy Rebuk
  • Disc 1
    1. Sinfony (Grave
    2. Recitaive: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind
    3. Sinfony (Grave - Allegro Moderato)
    4. Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy"
    5. Chorus: And He Shall Purify
    6. Chorus: Glory To God In The Highest
    7. Chorus: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings
    8. Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of G