這張The Natch’l Blues是Taj Mahal最具魅力的作品,這些錄音捕捉Taj Mahal剛出道時的活力,有點沙啞的唱腔,唱出藍調、民謠獨特閒散味道,音場生動,靈活的樂器演奏,由其是口琴過場Solo,有畫龍點睛之妙,很神妙的聆聽感溢現,絕對值得入手。
Side 1
- Good Morning Miss Brown
- Corinna
- I Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Steal My Jellyroll
- Going up to the Country, Paint My Mailbox Blue
- Done Changed My Way of Living
Side 2
- She Caught the Katy and Left Me a Mule to Ride
- The Cuckoo
- You Don't Miss Your Water ('Til Your Well Runs Dry)
- Ain't That a Lot of Love