
2014年 08月 12日
産品編號: DOC084
◎從Synth編織迷幻混亂的「They Dream」、涉獵Dream Pop領域的「The Sun And The Moon And The Stars」、到「You Don't Need The World」,一路勾勒奇想神遊的美妙景致
◎Drowned In Sound送上8/10高度評價:「樂團找到更為新鮮有趣、實驗概念,精彩度更上一層樓」
  • CD《內附原文歌詞》
    1. Autumn
    2. Time Between
    3. If I Were To Lie
    4. They Dream
    5. The Sun And The Moon And The Stars
    6. Memory Heart
    7. Demon
    8. Way Off
    9. Dissolve The Walls
    10. You Don't Need The World