
恐怖份子世代 20週年典藏紀念版 (2CD+DVD)
2012年 11月 20日
産品編號: 88725466812
★20週年版收錄remaster版原始專輯多收一首Suicide Is Painless單曲,罕見DEMO合輯共21首獨家曲目,以及一張集合11首音樂錄影帶,BBC節目訪問、現場演唱會影片,以及樂團成員、製作人訪談紀錄片

  • DVD
    1. Culture, Alienation, Boredom And Despair - A Film About 'Generation Terrorists'
    2. Unseen Super Eight Montage
    3. Home Road Movie
    4. Motown Junk
    5. You Love Us
    6. Stay Beautiful
    7. Love's Sweet Exile
    8. Slash 'N' Burn
    9. Motorcycle Emptiness
    10. Theme From M*A*S*H (
  • CD 1
    1. Slash 'N' Burn
    2. Nat West-Barclays-Midlands-Lloyds
    3. Born To End
    4. Motorcycle Emptiness
    5. You Love Us
    6. Love's Sweet Exile
    7. Little Baby Nothing
    8. Repeat
    9. Tennessee
    10. Another Invented Disease
    11. Stay Beautiful
    12. So Dead
    13. Repeat
    14. Spectators Of Suicide
    15. Da
  • CD 2
    1. Slash 'N' Burn
    2. Nat West-Barclays-Midlands-Lloyds
    3. Born To End
    4. You Love Us
    5. Love's Sweet Exile
    6. Little Baby Nothing
    7. Repeat
    8. Tennessee
    9. Another Invented Disease
    10. Stay Beautiful
    11. So Dead
    12. Spectators Of Suicide
    13. Damn Dog
    14. Crucifix Kiss
    15. Metha