
希望我在這裡(暫譯) (限量2LP黑膠唱片)
2014年 09月 12日
産品編號: 88843091831

◎原聲帶由英國搖滾天團Coldplay+知性名伶Cat Power+美國獨立天團The Shins動容合作量身打造
◎另找來多組活躍於獨立和主流市場中的樂團/歌手Bon Iver、Badly Drawn Boy、Paul Simon等助陣,眾星雲集精彩萬分
  • Side D
    1. Heavenly Father (Bon Iver)
    2. Raven's Song (Aaron Embry)
    3. Mend (The Weepies)
    4. No One To Let You Down (The Head and the Heart)
  • Side C
    1. Wish I Was Here (Cat Power + Coldplay)
    2. Wait It Out (Allie Moss)
    3. The Obvious Child (Paul Simon)
    4. Breathe In (feat. Wafia) (Japanese Wallpaper)
  • Side A
    1. So Now What (The Shins)
    2. Broke Window (Gary Jules)
    3. The Mute (Radical Face)
    4. Cherry Wine (Live) (Hozier)
  • Side B
    1. Holocene (Bon Iver)
    2. The Shining (Badly Drawn Boy)
    3. Mexico (Jump Little Children)