
岩崎琢 / LORD of VERMILION IV 原聲帶
岩崎琢 / LORD of VERMILION IV 原聲帶
Taku Iwasaki / LORD of VERMILION IV Original Soundtrack
2018年 06月 27日
産品編號: SQEX-10666/7
◎人氣卡牌遊戲機「LORD of VERMILION」迎接10週年
◎系列最新作「LORD of VERMILION IV」配樂原聲帶確定發行

  於日本全國遊樂中心好評實施中的人氣卡牌遊戲機「LORD of VERMILION」於2018年將迎來10週年紀念,系列最新作「LORD of VERMILION IV」的配樂原聲帶確定發行!


[DISC 1]

01. V-Rain[Main Theme]
02. Mystic Temple
03. Systematic Blood
05. Here Comes the Circus[Theme: 名もなき広間]
06. Sei-chan-Death[Theme: 道明寺剣術道場]
07. ARATAMA-Furi[Theme: 朱御⼭神宮]
08. Downfall World[Theme: ⽇々河公園]
09. Time to Frozen[Theme: 上恵⼤学・運動場]
10. The other side of the ripples[Theme: とやまえん跡]
11. Infinity - C・O・O・L[Theme: インフィニティシアター]
12. Espérance[Theme: 上恵⼤学・正門前]
13. Let’s Get It
14. Raid on Rage[phase: the Ultimate Raid]
15. Override![phase: the Decisive Stage]
[DISC 2]
01. With their fingers entwined.
02. Disaster
03. Meltor mou hoyer
04. Sky Tower
06. Fear Institute
07. So Much More
08. the Power of the Hero
09. [continue?]
11. Call[VICTORY]
12. Call[DEFEAT]
13. Monkey Flip-Flap
14. Long Sorrow
15. Le-Mugia
16. Double Doubt
17. Terrified
18. Spirit World
19. Phantom Swim
20. Painful Past
21. Heavy Tension
22. Ring of Truth
23. Blood Arms[Ending Theme I]
24. Let's meet again[Ending Theme II]
25. In the Farewell

博客來 https://goo.gl/2k4oHh
五大唱片 https://goo.gl/Zv9hrE
誠品網路書店 https://goo.gl/S4PFbf