2012年 12月 25日
産品編號: 88725403102
擁有強大爆發力的偉大女歌手,公認為「藍調女皇 The Empress Of Blues」的貝茜史密斯Bessie Smith,生於1894年四月,在貝茜史密斯還很小的時候,父母親就撒手人寰,由姊姊撫養長大,還不到十歲,就跟哥哥一起唱歌跳舞,在街頭賣藝貼補家用。十八歲的時候,在哥哥的引介之下,加入一個走唱綜藝團,當時她主要是擔任舞者角色,因為樂團當中還有一位非常高明的前輩歌手Ma Rainey。在Rainey的協助之下,貝茜史密斯很快地建立起她自己的風格和名聲,1920年左近,史密斯已經是美國東岸一帶頗受歡迎的歌手。
到了1923年,史密斯與歌倫比亞唱片簽約,第一張單曲「傷心藍調 Down Hearted Blues」就大為轟動,史密斯頓時成為全美知名的歌手,隨後她的眾多歌曲都極受歡迎,甚至成為後輩歌手、音樂家爭相重新詮釋的經典曲目,像是「自作自受 'Tain't Nobody's Bizness If I Do」、「孤枕難眠藍調 Empty Bed Blues」、「Muddy Water」、「聖路易藍調 St. Louis Blues」、「Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out 」等等。
貝茜史密斯是個充滿能量,充滿爆發力的歌手,她的演唱風格,在當時被一部分人認為是「狂暴」、「粗野」,但是現在看來,20世紀早期這些帶一點貶意的評論,完全是史密斯的藝術成就,將她所有同時代的女歌手遠遠甩在身後。以聽眾的接受程度而言,在整個1920、30年代,十多年之間,貝茜史密斯是最受歡迎的歌手,在其後數十年間,甚至一直到今天,她的唱腔,都一直能夠感動聽眾,絲毫沒有因為時間流逝而產生距離感。這一方面來自於她自身演唱時投入的真實情感,另一方面,也不得不歸功於在她之後,眾多受她風格影響的歌手,從比莉哈樂黛、艾拉費滋傑羅、艾塔詹姆斯、珍妮絲喬普林、鮑布迪倫(迪倫寫過一首歌,就叫「Bessie Smith」)....從爵士、搖滾到流行樂壇,隨時都有人提醒我們,貝茜史密斯的風格究竟影響有多大。
史密斯一生在歌倫比亞唱片旗下大約留下一百六、七十首錄音,為她伴奏的,幾乎都是當時最強大的超級樂手:路易士阿姆斯壯Louis Armstrong、詹姆士 P 強生 James P. Johnson、柯爾曼霍金斯Coleman Hawkins等人,從「傷心藍調」、「自作自受」、「聖路易藍調」等經典名曲,到歌詞故事匪夷所思,拿到21世紀來看仍然是令人瞠目結舌的「送我上電椅 Send Me To Electric Chair」等等,時間從來沒有讓貝茜史密斯的作品有絲毫褪色,每一個喜歡藍調、爵士的歌迷,都應該聽聽她的音樂。
1.Down Hearted Blues
2. Gulf Coast Blues
3. Aggravatin' Papa
4. Beale Street Mama
5. Baby Won't You Please Come Home
6. Oh Daddy Blues (You Won't Have No Mama At All)
7. 'Tain't Nobody's Bizness If I Do
8. Keeps On A-Rainin' (Papa He Can't Make No Time)
9. Mama's Got The Blues
10. Outside Of That
11. Bleeding Hearted Blues
12. Lady Luck Blues
13. Yodling Blues
14. Midnight Blues
15. If You Don't, I Know Who Will
16. Nobody In Town Can Bake A Sweet Jelly Roll Like Mine
17. Jail-House Blues
18. St. Louis Gal
19. Sam Jones' Blues
1. Graveyard Dream Blues
2. Cemetery Blues
3. Far Away Blues
4, I'm Going Back To My Used To Be
5. Whoa, Tillie, Take Your Time
6. My Sweetie Went Away
7. Any Woman's Blues
8. Chicago Bound Blues
9. Mistreating Daddy
10. Frosty Morning Blues
11. Haunted House Blues
12. Eavesdropper's Blues
13. Easy Come, Easy Go Blues
14. Sorrowful Blues
15. Pinch Back Blues
16. Rocking Chair Blues
17. Ticket Agent, Ease Your Window Down
18. Boweavil Blues
19. Hateful Blues
1. Frankie Blues
2. Moonshine Blues
3. Lou'siana Low Down Blues
4. Mountain Top Blues
5. Work House Blues
6. House Rent Blues
7. Salt Water Blues
8. Rainy Weather Blues
9. Weeping Willow Blues
10. THe Bye Bye Blues
11. Sing Sing Prison Blues
12. Follow The Deal On Down
13. Sinful Blues
14. Woman's Trouble Blues
15. Love Me Daddy Blues
16. Dying Gambler's Blues
17. St. Louis Blues
18. Reckless Blues
19. Sobbin' Hearted Blues
1. Cold In Hand Blues
2. You've Been A Good Ole Wagon
3. Cake Walkin' Babies From Home
4. The Yellow Dog Blues
5. Soft Pedal Blues
6. Dixie Flyer Blues
7. Nashville Woman's Blues
8. Careless Love
9. J.C. Holmes Blues
10. I Ain't Goin' To Play No Second Fiddle
11. He's Gone Blues
12. Nobody's Blues But Mine
13. I Ain't Got Nobody
14. My Man Blues
15. New Gulf Coast Blues
16. Florida Bound Blues
17. At The Christmas Ball
18. I've Been Mistreated And I Don't Like It
1. Red Mountain Blues
2. Golden Rule Blues
3. Lonesome Desert Blues
4. Them "Has Been" Blues
5. Squeeze Me
6. What's The Matter Now
7. I Want Every Bit Of It
8. Jazzbo Brown From Memphis Town
9. The Gin House Blues
10. Money Blues
11. Baby Doll
12. Hard Driving Papa
13. Lost Your Head Blues
14. Hard Time Blues
15. Honey Man Blues
16. One And Two Blues
17. Young Woman's Blues
18. Preachin' The Blues
19. Backwater Blues
20. After You've Gone
21. Alexander's Ragtime Band
1. Muddy Water (A Mississippi Moan)
2. There'll Be A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight
3. Trombone Cholly
4. Send Me To The 'Lectric Chair
5. Them's Graveyard Words
6. Hot Springs Blues
7. Sweet Mistreater
8. Lock And Key
9. Mean Old Bedbug Blues
10. A Good Man Is Hard To Find
11. Homeless Blues
12. Looking For My Man Blues
13. Dyin' By The Hour
14. Foolish Man Blues
15. Thinking Blues
16. Pickpocket Blues
17. I Used To Be Your Sweet Mama
18. I'd Rather Be Dead And Buried In My Grave
1. Standin' In The Rain Blues
2. It Won't Be You
3. Spider Man Blues
4. Empty Red Blues (Part 1)
5. Empty Bed Blues (Part 2)
6. Put It Right Here (Or Keep It Out There)
7. Yes Indeed He Do!
8. Devil's Gonna Git You
9. You Ought To Be Ashamed
10. Washwoman's Blues
11. Slow And Easy Man
12. Poor Man's Blues
13. Please Help Me Get Him Out Of My Mind
14. Me And My Gin
15. I'm Wild About That Thing
16. You've Got To Give Me Some
17. Kitchen Man
18. I've Got What It Takes, But It Breaks My Heart To Give It Away
19. Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out
20. Take It Right Back ('Cause I Don't Want It Here)
1. He's Got Me Goin'
2. It Makes My Love Come Down
3. Wasted Life Blues
4. Dirty No-Gooder's Blues
5. Blue Spirit Blues
6. Worn Out Papa Blues
7. You Don't Understand
8. Don't Cry Baby
9. Keep It To Yourself
10. New Orleans Hop Scop Blues
11. See If I'll Care
12. Baby Have Pitty On Me
13. On Revival Day (A Rhythmic Spiritual)
14. Moan, You Moaners
15. Hustlin' Dan
16. Black Mountain Blues
17. In The House Blues
18. Long Old Road
19. Blues Blues
20. Shipwreck Blues
1.Need A Little Sugar In My Bowl
2. Safety Mama
3. Do Your Duty
4. Gimme A Pigfoot And A Bottle of Beer
5. Take Me For A Buggy Ride
6. I'm Down In The Dumps
7. The Yellow Dog Blues
8. Soft Pedal Blues
9. Nashville Women's Blues
10. Careless Love Blues
11. Muddy Water (A Mississippi Moan)
12. St. Louis Blues Soundtrack
1. Bessie Disappears
2. Waldorf-Astoria Party
3. Bessie & Jack, I
4. Bessie & Jack, II/ Bessie & The Ladies
5. Life On the Road, I
6. Life On The Road, II
7. Life On The Road, III/ Bessie & Gertrude Sa
擁有強大爆發力的偉大女歌手,公認為「藍調女皇 The Empress Of Blues」的貝茜史密斯Bessie Smith,生於1894年四月,在貝茜史密斯還很小的時候,父母親就撒手人寰,由姊姊撫養長大,還不到十歲,就跟哥哥一起唱歌跳舞,在街頭賣藝貼補家用。十八歲的時候,在哥哥的引介之下,加入一個走唱綜藝團,當時她主要是擔任舞者角色,因為樂團當中還有一位非常高明的前輩歌手Ma Rainey。在Rainey的協助之下,貝茜史密斯很快地建立起她自己的風格和名聲,1920年左近,史密斯已經是美國東岸一帶頗受歡迎的歌手。
到了1923年,史密斯與歌倫比亞唱片簽約,第一張單曲「傷心藍調 Down Hearted Blues」就大為轟動,史密斯頓時成為全美知名的歌手,隨後她的眾多歌曲都極受歡迎,甚至成為後輩歌手、音樂家爭相重新詮釋的經典曲目,像是「自作自受 'Tain't Nobody's Bizness If I Do」、「孤枕難眠藍調 Empty Bed Blues」、「Muddy Water」、「聖路易藍調 St. Louis Blues」、「Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out 」等等。
貝茜史密斯是個充滿能量,充滿爆發力的歌手,她的演唱風格,在當時被一部分人認為是「狂暴」、「粗野」,但是現在看來,20世紀早期這些帶一點貶意的評論,完全是史密斯的藝術成就,將她所有同時代的女歌手遠遠甩在身後。以聽眾的接受程度而言,在整個1920、30年代,十多年之間,貝茜史密斯是最受歡迎的歌手,在其後數十年間,甚至一直到今天,她的唱腔,都一直能夠感動聽眾,絲毫沒有因為時間流逝而產生距離感。這一方面來自於她自身演唱時投入的真實情感,另一方面,也不得不歸功於在她之後,眾多受她風格影響的歌手,從比莉哈樂黛、艾拉費滋傑羅、艾塔詹姆斯、珍妮絲喬普林、鮑布迪倫(迪倫寫過一首歌,就叫「Bessie Smith」)....從爵士、搖滾到流行樂壇,隨時都有人提醒我們,貝茜史密斯的風格究竟影響有多大。
史密斯一生在歌倫比亞唱片旗下大約留下一百六、七十首錄音,為她伴奏的,幾乎都是當時最強大的超級樂手:路易士阿姆斯壯Louis Armstrong、詹姆士 P 強生 James P. Johnson、柯爾曼霍金斯Coleman Hawkins等人,從「傷心藍調」、「自作自受」、「聖路易藍調」等經典名曲,到歌詞故事匪夷所思,拿到21世紀來看仍然是令人瞠目結舌的「送我上電椅 Send Me To Electric Chair」等等,時間從來沒有讓貝茜史密斯的作品有絲毫褪色,每一個喜歡藍調、爵士的歌迷,都應該聽聽她的音樂。
1.Down Hearted Blues
2. Gulf Coast Blues
3. Aggravatin' Papa
4. Beale Street Mama
5. Baby Won't You Please Come Home
6. Oh Daddy Blues (You Won't Have No Mama At All)
7. 'Tain't Nobody's Bizness If I Do
8. Keeps On A-Rainin' (Papa He Can't Make No Time)
9. Mama's Got The Blues
10. Outside Of That
11. Bleeding Hearted Blues
12. Lady Luck Blues
13. Yodling Blues
14. Midnight Blues
15. If You Don't, I Know Who Will
16. Nobody In Town Can Bake A Sweet Jelly Roll Like Mine
17. Jail-House Blues
18. St. Louis Gal
19. Sam Jones' Blues
1. Graveyard Dream Blues
2. Cemetery Blues
3. Far Away Blues
4, I'm Going Back To My Used To Be
5. Whoa, Tillie, Take Your Time
6. My Sweetie Went Away
7. Any Woman's Blues
8. Chicago Bound Blues
9. Mistreating Daddy
10. Frosty Morning Blues
11. Haunted House Blues
12. Eavesdropper's Blues
13. Easy Come, Easy Go Blues
14. Sorrowful Blues
15. Pinch Back Blues
16. Rocking Chair Blues
17. Ticket Agent, Ease Your Window Down
18. Boweavil Blues
19. Hateful Blues
1. Frankie Blues
2. Moonshine Blues
3. Lou'siana Low Down Blues
4. Mountain Top Blues
5. Work House Blues
6. House Rent Blues
7. Salt Water Blues
8. Rainy Weather Blues
9. Weeping Willow Blues
10. THe Bye Bye Blues
11. Sing Sing Prison Blues
12. Follow The Deal On Down
13. Sinful Blues
14. Woman's Trouble Blues
15. Love Me Daddy Blues
16. Dying Gambler's Blues
17. St. Louis Blues
18. Reckless Blues
19. Sobbin' Hearted Blues
1. Cold In Hand Blues
2. You've Been A Good Ole Wagon
3. Cake Walkin' Babies From Home
4. The Yellow Dog Blues
5. Soft Pedal Blues
6. Dixie Flyer Blues
7. Nashville Woman's Blues
8. Careless Love
9. J.C. Holmes Blues
10. I Ain't Goin' To Play No Second Fiddle
11. He's Gone Blues
12. Nobody's Blues But Mine
13. I Ain't Got Nobody
14. My Man Blues
15. New Gulf Coast Blues
16. Florida Bound Blues
17. At The Christmas Ball
18. I've Been Mistreated And I Don't Like It
1. Red Mountain Blues
2. Golden Rule Blues
3. Lonesome Desert Blues
4. Them "Has Been" Blues
5. Squeeze Me
6. What's The Matter Now
7. I Want Every Bit Of It
8. Jazzbo Brown From Memphis Town
9. The Gin House Blues
10. Money Blues
11. Baby Doll
12. Hard Driving Papa
13. Lost Your Head Blues
14. Hard Time Blues
15. Honey Man Blues
16. One And Two Blues
17. Young Woman's Blues
18. Preachin' The Blues
19. Backwater Blues
20. After You've Gone
21. Alexander's Ragtime Band
1. Muddy Water (A Mississippi Moan)
2. There'll Be A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight
3. Trombone Cholly
4. Send Me To The 'Lectric Chair
5. Them's Graveyard Words
6. Hot Springs Blues
7. Sweet Mistreater
8. Lock And Key
9. Mean Old Bedbug Blues
10. A Good Man Is Hard To Find
11. Homeless Blues
12. Looking For My Man Blues
13. Dyin' By The Hour
14. Foolish Man Blues
15. Thinking Blues
16. Pickpocket Blues
17. I Used To Be Your Sweet Mama
18. I'd Rather Be Dead And Buried In My Grave
1. Standin' In The Rain Blues
2. It Won't Be You
3. Spider Man Blues
4. Empty Red Blues (Part 1)
5. Empty Bed Blues (Part 2)
6. Put It Right Here (Or Keep It Out There)
7. Yes Indeed He Do!
8. Devil's Gonna Git You
9. You Ought To Be Ashamed
10. Washwoman's Blues
11. Slow And Easy Man
12. Poor Man's Blues
13. Please Help Me Get Him Out Of My Mind
14. Me And My Gin
15. I'm Wild About That Thing
16. You've Got To Give Me Some
17. Kitchen Man
18. I've Got What It Takes, But It Breaks My Heart To Give It Away
19. Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out
20. Take It Right Back ('Cause I Don't Want It Here)
1. He's Got Me Goin'
2. It Makes My Love Come Down
3. Wasted Life Blues
4. Dirty No-Gooder's Blues
5. Blue Spirit Blues
6. Worn Out Papa Blues
7. You Don't Understand
8. Don't Cry Baby
9. Keep It To Yourself
10. New Orleans Hop Scop Blues
11. See If I'll Care
12. Baby Have Pitty On Me
13. On Revival Day (A Rhythmic Spiritual)
14. Moan, You Moaners
15. Hustlin' Dan
16. Black Mountain Blues
17. In The House Blues
18. Long Old Road
19. Blues Blues
20. Shipwreck Blues
1.Need A Little Sugar In My Bowl
2. Safety Mama
3. Do Your Duty
4. Gimme A Pigfoot And A Bottle of Beer
5. Take Me For A Buggy Ride
6. I'm Down In The Dumps
7. The Yellow Dog Blues
8. Soft Pedal Blues
9. Nashville Women's Blues
10. Careless Love Blues
11. Muddy Water (A Mississippi Moan)
12. St. Louis Blues Soundtrack
1. Bessie Disappears
2. Waldorf-Astoria Party
3. Bessie & Jack, I
4. Bessie & Jack, II/ Bessie & The Ladies
5. Life On the Road, I
6. Life On The Road, II
7. Life On The Road, III/ Bessie & Gertrude Sa