
世紀典藏 (2CD)
2012年 04月 27日
産品編號: 88697786712
★收錄冠軍單曲"Jessie’s Girl"、"I’ve Done Everything for You", "Don’t Talk to Strangers", "Affair of the Heart"、"Love Somebody"等多首TOP 10單曲,絕對值得珍藏!

這位以帥氣的臉龐,充滿青春朝氣的搖滾旋律,風靡全球的澳洲歌手,1969年便以搖滾樂團Zoot出道,1972年開始以個人身份發行專輯。首支單曲"Speak to the Sky"拿下澳洲排行榜TOP 10的佳績。隨後,隻身闖蕩美國,1981年以單曲"Jessie’s Girl"爆紅,榮登美、澳兩地的單曲榜冠軍,更以這首歌獲頒葛萊美最佳男搖滾歌手的殊榮。這套【世紀典藏】精選收錄瑞克史賓菲爾歷年佳作,包括冠軍單曲"Jessie’s Girl"、"I’ve Done Everything for You", "Don’t Talk to Strangers", "Affair of the Heart"、"Love Somebody"等多首TOP 10單曲,絕對值得珍藏!
  • CD1
    1. Eleanor Rigby
    2. Speak To The Sky
    3. American Girls
    4. Take A Hand
    5. Jessie's Girl
    6. I've Done Everything For You
    7. Carry Me Away
    8. Love Is Alright Tonite
    9. The Light Of Love
    10. Everybody's Gir
    11. Inside Silvia
    12. Don't Talk To Strangers
    13. Calling All Girls
    14. I Get E
  • CD2
    1. Human Touch
    2. Love Somebody
    3. Don't Walk Away
    4. Bop Til You Drop (7" Single Version)
    5. Dance This World Away
    6. Celebrate Youth
    7. State Of The Heart
    8. Written In Rock
    9. Walk Like A Man 9
    10. The Power Of Love (The Tao Of Love)
    11. Rock Of Life
    12. Honeymoon In Beirut