最受歡迎的爵士人物代表,出生於1904年卻在1943年以39歲的英年早逝,雖然當時也不乏有早逝的爵士樂手,但是卻沒有一個像他這樣的人物的離去讓美國人深表痛切,他笑口常開、在舞台上總是帶給聽眾歡樂的表演,私底下喜愛喝酒、享受食物,更是標準的享樂主義;時常帶著樂團全世界巡迴演出,散佈爵士樂也散佈歡樂。胖子華勒是第一位使用電風琴(Organ)彈奏爵士樂的演奏家,也是將搖擺樂帶入成熟階段的關鍵人物之一,演奏跨步(Stride)風格時,節奏處理的複雜度和音樂整體的跳躍感幾乎無人能及。他在RCA Victor旗下的時期橫跨17年,總共發行300張專輯,這套三CD套裝總共66首樂曲是由葛來美多次得獎製作人Orrin Keepnews選出,CD 1 的樂曲皆是華勒自己創作演奏,CD 2 則是選錄與他合作關係長久的六重奏小樂團Fats Waller&His Rhythm作品。CD3則是他在Tin Pan Alley地區演奏或演唱美國重要歌謠的錄音作品,If You Got to Ask, You Ain’t Got It! 是華勒每次被問及“What is Swing?”時,給出的答案。What is Swing?聽過華勒此套裝專輯裡的音樂,你就會明白了!
Disc 3
- You Rascal you
- You
- What
- LuLu
- I
- Dinah
- There
- Somebody stole my gal
- Christopher Columbus
- It
- She
- The Sheik of araby
- Two Sleepy People
- A good man is hard to find
- Hold tight
- Tain
- Your feet
- Darktown strutters ball
- I can
- You run your mouth, I
- Le;ts get away from
Disc 2
- St. Louis Blues
- Sippi
- Thou Swell
- Numb Fumblin
- Ain
- S,asjom
- My fare is in your hands
- African Ripples
- Wiper
- Keepin
- Star Dust
- Carolina Shout
- Serenade for a wealthy window
- Rosetta
- Functionizin
- Loungun
- Blue, Turnin
- In the gloaming
- Mamacita
- The Jitterbug Waltz
- H
Disc 1
- Honeysuckle Rose
- How Can you face me
- The Panic is on
- Sugar Rose
- I
- Lost love
- Our Love was meant to me
- The Joint is Jumpin
- A hopeless love affair
- Hold my hand
- Patty Cake, Patty cake
- Honey Hush
- Anita
- Squeeze me
- Old Grand dad
- All that meant and no potatoes
- Ai