
Bob Dylan / Fragments – Time Out of Mind Sessions 1996-1997: The Bootleg Series Vol. 17 (5CD)
巴布狄倫 / 時光碎片-被遺忘的時光1996-1997: 私藏錄音第17集 (豪華完全版5CD)
Bob Dylan / Fragments - Time Out of Mind Sessions 1996-1997: The Bootleg Series Vol. 17 (5CD)
2023年 03月 17日
産品編號: 19658706722

★ 榮膺諾貝爾文學獎、12座葛萊美獎、全球1億2500萬張專輯銷售,葛萊美金獎”珍稀作品-巴布狄倫私藏錄音”系列2023年最新呈現,進口豪華完全版5CD
★ 收錄Dylan製作經典專輯‘Time Out Of Mind’的1996-1997期間收錄的未公開音軌、outtakes以及彩排LIVE現場記錄音軌
★ ‘Time Out Of Mind’專輯為Dylan商業銷售紀錄上最成功之專輯,同時獲得當年度葛萊美獎包括「年度專輯」等三項大獎,專輯中也收錄多少經典歌曲包括“Love Sick” “Not Dark yet” 以及 “Make You Feel My Love”, “Make You Feel My Love”更成為後世傳唱情歌經典,包括天后Adele, 傳奇鋼琴唱作人Billy Joel與Garth Brooks等音樂傳奇致敬翻唱
★ 豪華完全版5CD內容包括:
-‘Time Out Of Mind’原專輯曲目11首全新mix版本
-‘Time Out Of Mind’專輯錄製期間製作之未公開音軌、outtakes、歌曲初稿版本錄音
-‘Time Out Of Mind’專輯期間1998-2001現場LIVE現場記錄
-收錄於私藏錄音第8集中與Time Out Of Mind’專輯有關之歌曲集
  • CD 1
    1. Love Sick (2022 Remix)
    2. Dirt Road Blues (2022 Remix)
    3. Standing in the Doorway (2022 Remix)
    4. Million Miles (2022 Remix)
    5. Tryin' to Get to Heaven (2022 Remix)
    6. 'Til I Fell in Love with You (2022 Remix)
    7. Not Dark Yet (2022 Remix)
    8. Cold Irons Bound (2022 Remix)
    9. Make You Feel My Love (2022 Remix)
    10. Can't Wait (2022 Remix)
    11. Highlands (2022 Remix)
  • CD 2
    1. The Water Is Wide
    2. Dreamin' of You
    3. Red River Shore (Version 1)
    4. Love Sick (Version 1)
    5. 'Til I Fell in Love with You (Version 1)
    6. Not Dark Yet (Version 1)
    7. Can't Wait (Version 1)
    8. Dirt Road Blues (Version 1)
    9. Mississippi (Version 1)
    10. 'Til I Fell in Love with You (Version 2)
    11. Standing in the Doorway (Version 1)
    12. Tryin' to Get to Heaven (Version 1)
    13. Cold Irons Bound
  • CD 3
    1. Love Sick (Version 2)
    2. Dirt Road Blues (Version 2)
    3. Can't Wait (Version 2)
    4. Red River Shore (Version 2)
    5. Marchin' to the City
    6. Make You Feel My Love (Take 1)
    7. Mississippi (Version 2)
    8. Standing in the Doorway (Version 2)
    9. 'Til I Fell in Love with You (Version 3)
    10. Not Dark Yet (Version 2)
    11. Tryin' to Get to Heaven (Version 2)
    12. Highlands
  • CD 4
    1. Love Sick (Live in Birmingham, England - June 24, 1998)
    2. Can't Wait (Live in Nashville, Tennessee - February 6, 1999)
    3. Standing in the Doorway (Live in London, England - October 6, 2000)
    4. Million Miles (Live in Atlantic City, New Jersey - January 31, 1998)
    5. Tryin' to Get to Heaven (Live in Birmingham, England - September 20, 2000)
    6. 'Til I Fell in Love with You (Live in Buenos Aires, Argentina - April 5, 1998)
    7. Not Dark Yet (Live in Sheffield, England - September 22, 2000)
    8. Cold Irons Bound (Live in Oslo, Norway - May 19, 2000)
    9. Make You Feel My Love (Live in Los Angeles, California - May 21, 1998)
    10. Can't Wait (Live in Oslo, Norway - May 19, 2000)
    11. Mississippi (Live in Washington, D.C. - November 15, 2001)
    12. Highlands (Live in Newcastle, Australia - March 24, 2001)
  • CD 5
    1. Dreamin' of You (Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' Sessions)
    2. Red River Shore (Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' Sessions, Version 1)
    3. Red River Shore (Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' Sessions, Version 2)
    4. Mississippi (Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' Sessions, Version 1)
    5. Mississippi (Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' Sessions, Version 3)
    6. Mississippi (Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' Sessions, Version 2)
    7. Marchin' to the City (Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' Sessions, Version 1)
    8. Marchin' to the City (Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' Sessions, Version 2)
    9. Can't Wait (Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' Sessions, Version 1)
    10. Can't Wait (Outtake from 'Time Out Of Mind' Sessions, Version 2)
    11. Cold Irons Bound (Live at the Bonnaroo Music Festival, 2004)
    12. Tryin' to Get to Heaven (Live in London, England - October 5, 2000)