
Bob Dylan / More Blood, More Tracks: The Bootleg Series Vol. 14 (Deluxe Edition) (6CD)
巴布狄倫 / 血淚交織 珍稀作品-巴布狄倫私藏錄音第14集 (6CD限量豪華套裝)
Bob Dylan / More Blood, More Tracks: The Bootleg Series Vol. 14 (Deluxe Edition)
2018年 11月 16日
産品編號: 19075858962


★ 榮膺諾貝爾文學獎、12座葛萊美獎、全球1億2500萬張專輯銷售當代民謠詩人,葛萊美金獎”珍稀作品-巴布狄倫私藏錄音”系列最新作品,6CD進口限量豪華套裝
★ 收錄Dylan 在1974年錄製樂壇一致公認的經典專輯” Blood On The Tracks”期間,於紐約(4天)與明尼亞波利斯(2天)的錄音史料
★ 6CD進口限量豪華套裝特別完整收錄,從未發行過之超過70首,Dylan在1974年九月於紐約四天內錄製之音軌材料,並以完整Dylan演奏錄製之順序排列,為搖滾迷開啟了一扇時空之門,一窺史上最偉大的音樂人,製作其生涯最傑出專輯之一錄音過程的神秘面紗
★ 內附精美硬殼精裝搖滾記事書,收錄豐富精采史料紀錄照片、多達57頁之Dylan親筆創作手稿、以及搖滾歷史學家Jeff Slate文字解說

★★因國外印刷製作疏忽,本6CD限量豪華套裝內附之精美硬殼精裝搖滾記事書中,Bob Dylan親筆創作手稿部分有所遺漏,遺漏的四頁內容請至下列Bob Dylan官方網站網址下載觀看收藏 https://www.bobdylan.com/news/missing-notebook-pages/,不便之處敬請見諒★★

藉由文字寫下一篇篇可歌可泣的歷史故事,透過音符傳遞一首首永垂不朽的經典樂章,被視為美國20世紀最有影響力的歌手、60年代民權運動的代言人,民謠樂派的先鋒使者Bob Dylan,入選滾石雜誌「史上經典藝人」第二順位,入籍搖滾名人殿堂、納許維爾創作名人殿堂、詞曲創作人殿堂,囊括終身成就在內的12座葛萊美獎加冕,獲頒2008普立茲特別榮譽獎,更在2016年獲得諾貝爾文學獎的至高榮譽,在當時亦廣獲熱議。諾貝爾委員讚許他在美國傳統的歌曲中,開創出新的詩意表達形式。走過歌壇半個世紀,擁有《Blowin` In The Wind》及《Mr. Tambourine Man》等多首永垂不朽的經典名曲,跨越多個世代,在哲學性的詩歌中,吸納美國傳統民謠、搖滾、鄉村、藍調、爵士和搖擺樂元素,不只動聽,更在音樂及文化上展現深厚影響力

  • CD 1
    1. If You See Her, Say Hello (Take 1)
    2. If You See Her, Say Hello (Take 2)
    3. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1)
    4. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 2)
    5. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 1)
    6. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 2)
    7. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 3)
    8. Up to Me (Rehearsal)
    9. Up to Me (Take 1)
    10. Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts (Take 1)
    11. Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts (Take 2)
  • CD 2
    1. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 1A)
    2. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 2A)
    3. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 3A)
    4. Call Letter Blues (Take 1)
    5. Meet Me in the Morning (Take 1)
    6. Call Letter Blues (Take 2)
    7. Idiot Wind (Take 1)
    8. Idiot Wind (Take 1, Remake)
    9. Idiot Wind (Take 3 with insert)
    10. Idiot Wind (Take 5)
    11. Idiot Wind (Take 6)
    12. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Rehearsal and Take 1)
    13. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 2)
    14. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 3)
    15. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 4)
    16. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 5)
    17. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 6)
    18. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 6, Remake)
    19. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 7)
    20. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 8)
  • CD 3
    1. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 1)
    2. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1, Remake)
    3. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1, Remake)
    4. Tangled Up in Blue (Rehearsal)
    5. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 2, Remake)
    6. Spanish Is the Loving Tongue (Take 1)
    7. Call Letter Blues (Rehearsal)
    8. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 1, Remake)
    9. Shelter from the Storm (Take 1)
    10. Buckets of Rain (Take 1)
    11. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 3, Remake)
    12. Buckets of Rain (Take 2)
    13. Shelter from the Storm (Take 2)
    14. Shelter from the Storm (Take 3)
    15. Shelter from the Storm (Take 4)
  • CD 4
    1. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 1, Remake 2)
    2. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 2, Remake 2)
    3. Buckets of Rain (Take 1, Remake)
    4. Buckets of Rain (Take 2, Remake)
    5. Buckets of Rain (Take 3, Remake)
    6. Buckets of Rain (Take 4, Remake)
    7. Up to Me (Take 1, Remake)
    8. Up to Me (Take 2, Remake)
    9. Buckets of Rain (Take 1, Remake 2)
    10. Buckets of Rain (Take 2, Remake 2)
    11. Buckets of Rain (Take 3, Remake 2)
    12. Buckets of Rain (Take 4, Remake 2)
    13. If You See Her, Say Hello (Take 1, Remake)
    14. Up to Me (Take 1, Remake 2)
    15. Up to Me (Take 2, Remake 2)
    16. Up to Me (Take 3, Remake 2)
    17. Buckets of Rain (Rehearsal)
    18. Meet Me in the Morning (Take 1, Remake)
    19. Meet Me in the Morning (Take 2, Remake)
    20. Buckets of Rain (Take 5, Remake 2)
  • CD 5
    1. Tangled Up in Blue (Rehearsal and Take 1, Remake 2)
    2. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 2, Remake 2)
    3. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 3, Remake 2)
    4. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 2, Remake)
    5. Simple Twist of Fate (Take 3, Remake)
    6. Up to Me (Rehearsal and Take 1, Remake 3)
    7. Up to Me (Take 2, Remake 3)
    8. Idiot Wind (Rehearsal and Takes 1-3, Remake)
    9. Idiot Wind (Take 4, Remake)
    10. Idiot Wind (Take 4, Remake with organ overdub)
    11. You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1, Remake 2)
    12. Meet Me in the Morning (Take 1, Remake 2)
    13. Meet Me in the Morning (Takes 2-3, Remake 2)
  • CD 6
    1. You're a Big Girl Now (Takes 3-6, Remake 2)
    2. Tangled Up in Blue (Rehearsal and Takes 1-2, Remake 3)
    3. Tangled Up in Blue (Take 3, Remake 3)
    4. Idiot Wind
    5. You're a Big Girl Now
    6. Tangled up in Blue
    7. Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
    8. If You See Her, Say Hello