曾演出電影“心靈捕手”、“野蠻遊戲”、“變人”的知名男演員—羅賓威廉斯,多才多藝的精湛演技,獲得全球傳媒及影迷的肯定。 榮獲本屆葛萊美獎【最佳說唱專輯】殊榮,這是Robin 近十五年來首次發表現場錄音專輯,錄製時間是2002年Robin在百老匯場場爆滿的現場脫口秀實況。
Disc 2
- The Grim Rapper
- Chicago
- Milwaukee
- Boston
- Philadelphia
- Atlanta
- Washington, DC
- Cleveland
- Austin
- Houston
- New Orleans
- Minneapolis
- Seattle
- Portland
- Las Vegas
- Toronto
- Baltimore
- Memphis
- Nashville
- Technology
Disc 1
- Hot Enough For You
- Watching A Lot Of The World Cup
- Olympics
- Texas
- But In The Olympics
- Tour De Lance
- Utah
- Something Awful Is Going To Happen
- The Cure
- These Are Troubled Times My Friend
- Now You Get On The Plane
- Not Just A Sin
- Back To Our In-flight Movie
- Hom