
Olga Peretyatko/The Secret Fauré : Orchestral Songs & Suites
2018年 08月 10日
産品編號: 19075818582

歐爾嘉‧貝芮蒂雅可Olga Peretyatko (女高音)
布魯恩斯Benjamin Bruns (男高音)
艾弗‧博爾頓Ivor Bolton (指揮)
巴塞爾交響樂團Sinfonieorchester Basel

 收錄佛瑞以管弦樂團伴奏之歌曲與組曲。
 演出者是當今炙手可熱的羅西尼歌劇女高音─歐爾嘉‧貝芮蒂雅可與歐洲歌劇界近年頗為搶手的抒情男高音─布魯恩斯。
 巴塔薩‧紐曼合唱團被「留聲機雜誌」評選為全球二十大合唱團之一。
 集多位傑出的演出者與多部難得一聞作品齊聚於此,增添本輯的收藏價值。


佛瑞最著名的聲樂作品是《佩雷亞與梅莉桑》與《安魂曲》,另外也寫了一些劇樂(incidental music),如《卡利古拉》(Caligula, op.52)與《夏洛克》(Shylock, op.57),都是他早期較為重要的作品,之後最大篇幅的作品便是以梅特林克(Maurice Maeterlincks)劇作所譜成《佩雷亞與梅莉桑》,後來也改編成管弦組曲,本輯收錄的便是組曲版本。

劇樂《卡利古拉》是佛瑞為大仲馬(Alexandre Dumas)的同名劇作所創作。內容描述羅馬帝國第三任皇帝卡利古拉。他的統治以暴虐的過激行為而臭名昭彰。得年僅29歲,在位3年10個月8天,是在位最短的羅馬皇帝之一。《夏洛克》由哈勞庫特(Edmond Haraucourts)根據莎士比亞的劇作《威尼斯商人》創作劇本,作品名稱源自劇中的人物,放高利貸的猶太富商夏洛克。《普奈勒琵》(Pénélope)劇本作者是Rene Fauchois,改編自希臘敘事詩「奧德賽」(Odyssea)。

專輯參與演出的音樂家包括女高音貝─歐爾嘉‧貝芮蒂雅可(Olga Peretyatko)與男高音─布魯恩斯(Benjamin Bruns)。俄國女高音歐爾嘉‧貝芮蒂雅可為當今炙手可熱的羅西尼歌劇專家,更被許多樂評比作安娜‧涅翠柯(Anna Netrebko)的接班人。布魯恩斯則是歐洲歌劇界近年頗為搶手的抒情男高音,尤擅莫札特的作品。以及被「留聲機雜誌」評選為全球二十大合唱團之一的巴塔薩‧紐曼合唱團。並由艾弗‧博爾頓(Ivor Bolton)指揮瑞士知名樂團─巴塞爾交響樂團(Sinfonieorchester Basel)。將多位傑出的演出者與多部難得一聞作品齊聚於此,增添本輯的收藏價值。

    1. Caligula op. 52, concert version after the Incidental music to Alexandre Dumas’ drama for female choir and orchestra (1888), Prologue : Fanfares, Marche, Chœur – Quasi-Adagio
    2. Caligula op. 52, concert version after the Incidental music to Alexandre Dumas’ drama for female choir and orchestra (1888), Choeur : L'hiver s'enfuit
    3. Caligula op. 52, concert version after the Incidental music to Alexandre Dumas’ drama for female choir and orchestra (1888), Air de Danse
    4. Caligula op. 52, concert version after the Incidental music to Alexandre Dumas’ drama for female choir and orchestra (1888), Mélodrame et Choeur : De roses vermeilles
    5. Caligula op. 52, concert version after the Incidental music to Alexandre Dumas’ drama for female choir and orchestra (1888), Mélodrame et Choeur : César a fermé la paupière
    6. Prélude for orchestra from Pénélope, Poème lyrique in three acts (1907−1912)
    7. Orchestral Songs for soprano and orchestra, Les roses d’Ispahan op. 39/4, orchestrated by Fauré (1891)
    8. Orchestral Songs for soprano and orchestra, Soir op. 83/2, orchestrated by Louis Aubert (no date)
    9. Orchestral Songs for soprano and orchestra, Clair de lune op. 46/2, orchestrated by Fauré (1888)
    10. Orchestral Songs for soprano and orchestra, Après un rêve op. 7/1, orchestrated by Henri Busser (1918)
    11. Shylock op. 57, concert version after the Incidental music to Edmond Haraucourts comedy after Shakespeare for tenor and orchestra (1889/90),Chanson
    12. Shylock op. 57, concert version after the Incidental music to Edmond Haraucourts comedy after Shakespeare for tenor and orchestra (1889/90), Entr’acte
    13. Shylock op. 57, concert version after the Incidental music to Edmond Haraucourts comedy after Shakespeare for tenor and orchestra (1889/90), Madrigal
    14. Shylock op. 57, concert version after the Incidental music to Edmond Haraucourts comedy after Shakespeare for tenor and orchestra (1889/90), Epithaleme
    15. Shylock op. 57, concert version after the Incidental music to Edmond Haraucourts comedy after Shakespeare for tenor and orchestra (1889/90), Nocturne
    16. Shylock op. 57, concert version after the Incidental music to Edmond Haraucourts comedy after Shakespeare for tenor and orchestra (1889/90), Final
    17. Pelléas et Mélisande op. 80, Orchestral Suite after the Incidental music to Maurice Maeterlincks play for orchestra (1898/1912) (with Chant de Mélisande in an English translation by John William Mackail), Prélude
    18. Pelléas et Mélisande op. 80, Orchestral Suite after the Incidental music to Maurice Maeterlincks play for orchestra (1898/1912) (with Chant de Mélisande in an English translation by John William Mackail), Fileuse
    19. Pelléas et Mélisande op. 80, Orchestral Suite after the Incidental music to Maurice Maeterlincks play for orchestra (1898/1912) (with Chant de Mélisande in an English translation by John William Mackail), Sicilienne
    20. Pelléas et Mélisande op. 80, Orchestral Suite after the Incidental music to Maurice Maeterlincks play for orchestra (1898/1912) (with Chant de Mélisande in an English translation by John William Mackail), Chant de Mélisande, orchestrated by Charles Koechlin (1936)
    21. Pelléas et Mélisande op. 80, Orchestral Suite after the Incidental music to Maurice Maeterlincks play for orchestra (1898/1912) (with Chant de Mélisande in an English translation by John William Mackail), La mort de Mélisande